Thursday, 20 February 2014

Champneys - Initial Ideas.

This brief I am undertaking is a collaborative project with Emily James as we feel with a joint effort there is a better chance of improved outcomes and a larger range of ideas and input. We started by reading through the brief and making notes on what we felt was most important. The main aspect appeared to be the need for Champney's to start targeting a younger audience of 16 - 25 year olds. We felt that due to the current success of the brand we didn't want to tamper to much with what was already working well, this is why we decided to focus on creating a sub brand for the main company. The ways we aim to do this are by introducing cheaper student prices, altering the language to make it seem more approachable to younger people, adjusting the main brand to something more modern and fun and applying it to our sub section. To promote this we plan to create a secondary website that would explain all of the new aspects, Emily will be the main contributor to the coding of this as it is something that is one of her strengths. Another aspect will be a selection of products that would introduce and tempt the new audience, this is something that I will focus on more thoroughly.

We then wrote a short list of name ideas for the sub brand, we wanted something that would communicate youth, health, positivity and physical and emotional well being. We thought that one word would make it catchy and memorable to the audience.

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