Tuesday 11 March 2014

Champneys - Student Led Crit.

Today I took part in the student led crit that I had previously signed up for. It was a different group than I have previously been with as it was something that we hadn't organised ourselves. However this was beneficial as it was individuals I don't normally get feedback from and it was good to look at peoples work I don't normally see.

To start I briefly talked through the work I have done so far and the design direction I have been taking this year. And then moved on to speak about what I'm doing currently and in particular the Champney's brief. I spoke about our main idea behind the sub brand and how this has influenced our design decisions. One aspect I did want feedback on was how we could promote our brand further to the target audience and get them more familiar with it.

  • The aesthetics work really well with the audience we our aiming for and give a luxury feel.
  • One way to promote the brand further would be to create even small samples that could be handed out on the street or within magazines.

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